Chenyang Vision
Product high-tech, market internationalization, strength groupization, team professionalization, scientific management
Chenyang Mission
To customers: like-minded, win-win cooperation
To shareholders: maximum value, long-term return
To employees: achieve dreams and grow together
To society: create value and give back to society
To the company: develop the enterprise and achieve the future
Chenyang Spirit
Strive to be first-class employees, implement first-class management, create first-class products, and create first-class enterprises together
Business philosophy
Gather hundreds of waters to form rivers and seas, strengthen quality for sustainability
Quality concept
Details determine product quality, quality creates corporate value
Safety concept
Regulations are the life of safe production, and responsibility is the soul of safe production
Chenyang style
Respond quickly, act vigorously, prohibit order and deed, consistent with words and deeds